"Umm, but it's also a musical and all set to an orchestra and singing," she whispers in her tiniest voice.
So I just saw the movie version of Les Miserables. Lucky for Harry, the anti-musical man, that statement above was just the hypothetical version I was going to unleash if no one else would go with me. This evening I saw it with my mom and my sister. Yay!
At first I was rather neutral on the whole thing. Certainly not gung ho enough to run out and see it during the holiday rush. But then I heard Hugh Jackman giving an interview on television a few weeks back where he almost broke down crying as he stated that every single role he has had as an actor up until now has been preparing him for this part.
Dang, Hugh.
Well. That was enough to get me intrigued enough to tough the Christmas crowds. That and the fact that Hugh Jackman is . . . . uh. . .hot. Hellerrr?
So what did I think? I'll be completely honest. I just loved it. Seriously and completely loved it. That's saying a lot considering the way I feel about most on screen musicals. Most of them come out awkward to me. They give you the taste of the songs that you've been craving, yet everything else seems weird. You know. Where you sit through it until the end because you're hoping that it will eventually get better but it doesn't.
This wasn't like that. It was done beautifully. The voices were amazing and that Hugh Jackman? Just damn.
And speaking of amazing. . . . Miss Anne Hathaway? Baby, she earned her name on that billboard, do you hear me? As the sistas say in the hair salon: "Girlfriend, you DID that." Yeah she did.
So word on the street is that all of the singing was LIVE. As in, they had an earpiece in their ear playing the (live) accompaniment and they just had to go for it. Don't believe me? Watch this little snippet on the topic.
I'm also always intrigued by women who whack all of their hair off for movie roles. Something about that is just so bad ass to me. Two thumbs way up for Miss Anne Hathaway, chile.
Russell Crowe wasn't so bad either. Although anyone who has to sing anywhere near Hugh Jackman seems a little less than. Just saying. But that could just be me looking at Hugh Jackman and forgetting about any and everybody else. Even if that person is Russell Crowe.
The kid actors were fantastic, too. The young Cosette--unbelievable and the little boy who played Gavroche (the revolution kid) was out of this world. So were all of the supporting cast, many of whom weren't big screen stars in the U.S. but very accomplished singer/actors before this ever hit theaters.
Yeah. Loved Les Miserables on big screen. And would totally see it again on an IMAX screen if I get the chance. Stacy H. or Lesley M., I'll need one of you to join me for that. Because let me tell you who WON'T be joining me:
-------> Mr. Harry Manning.
(laughing out loud right now)
Dude. Have I ever told y'all about the time that I tricked The BHE into seeing the movie adaptation of RENT with me? Lawd! He was soooo mad at me. Wait. . . as a matter of fact I have told you about that before. I just found the post where I mentioned this EPIC failure--and ironically that same post includes the Les Miserables "One Day More" flashmob that I was obsessed with earlier this year. Remember that? (Now I'm obsessed with it again since I just rewatched and reread that.) For some fun and time-wasting, peep that post here.
"One day mooooooorrrre!"
Awesome. Just for kicks, I was thinking of tricking Harry into seeing the Les Mis movie by casually suggesting it on our next date night. Hee hee. Calling it, like I said above, "The new Russell Crowe film." Bwaah ha. That, I'm sure, would get him into the closest theater with a bucket of popcorn, some Junior Mints and a large coke. Dude. The BHE absolutely LOVES Russell Crowe movies and has watched Gladiator no less than seven hundred and fifty seven trillion times. With Russell Crowe, this would be the easiest trick EVER. That and the fact that it involves a bloody war scene.
I could even innocently add on something like, "I think the dude from Wolverine is in it, too. I hear it's some kind of period war flick or something."
Oh. Have I mentioned how much Harry LOOOOVES a good period war flick? Good heavens he does.
*rubbing hands together with diabolical laugh*
Damn. That would be pret-ty darn funny if I did get him to see this movie. I mean. . . the very IDEA of the expression that would be on his face when his beloved Gladiator and Wolverine start busting out in song--like full on fluffy high and low note song for an ENTIRE FILM-- would be worth the 74% chance I'd risk of being served with divorce papers afterward.
To which I'd say:

Bwaaaahh hahaha.
Man. I am totally thinking of tricking him with this the next time he blasts me with a series of rhetorical questions. Maybe even in IMAX. Oh yeah, baby.
By the way, here's an old post I was just reminded of from one of our movie date nights. This describes how Harry goes about choosing the flick we'll see when it's his turn to select.
Sigh. "The new Russell Crowe period flick about a war." Ha.
But I digress.
Listen. The take home point is: If you LOVE yourself a good musical and salivate at the thought of catching one on Broadway, peep this one out for sure. In the theater even--it's worth the ten bucks. Trust me, it's not as uncomfortable as the RENT movie or the Mamma Mia one. It's really beautifully done.
One recommendation though: Make sure you're well rested because it's kind of long. Like close to three hours long so make sure you are awake and that it's not too late at night. And that you really like musicals because three hours worth of singing is a lot if you are kind of "meh" on musicals--AND this is a sho nuff, for real musical. Not like Grease or High School Musical where there's mostly talking and occasional show tune. This joint is 99.2% show tunes which my husband absolutely, positively would not be cool with.
What about y'all? Who's seen this already? And tell me--what person could you NO NOT NEVER take to see such a film?
Happy Wednesday.
And now playing on my mental iTouch. . . the trailer from Les Miserables with Anne Hathaway belting out her dreamy voice.
You taking Harry to see Les Miz = GFD
ReplyDeleteYou taking Harry to see Les Miz in your UGGS = double GFD!
I confirmed this with him: Yes, me taking him to see this movie would be GFD (grounds fo' divorce.) He also made it very clear that even Russell Crowe could not make three hours of grown men singing acceptable. Not in all the everness of evers does he need to see this movie.
DeleteBut don't think I'm not still plotting on ways to get him there. Heeeee hee.
Les Miz? Loooved it. Especially a day later, remembering the music, the emotion infused in the songs. I want to see it all over again. When Marius sang Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, my daughter just wept in that theater. For me, the other standout voice was Eponine. What a voice! Loved the acting, the cinematography, the sweep and panorama of it. Loved. it. all.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think we already talked about how my daughter and i are Rent-heads, love the movie even more than the play. We also loved the movie version of Phantom of the Opera (have you seen it?) so there was no way we were not going to see Les Miz together. However my husband and son also want to see it so we may go again. I actually think the BHE might like this one.
Ohhhh Sister Lister! I must agree with you that the day after really allows it to seep in. As for the BHE liking this? Uhhh, not so much. He has five extra copies of his Y chromosome and I think all of those copies have a clause against movie musicals on them. Hee hee.
DeleteNow. Usually you and I are on the very same page. But the Rent movie? Hmmm. I saw it twice and just couldn't stop thinking how weird it seemed. I REALLY didn't enjoy Rosario Dawson as MiMi. I really wished I had a tomato the day I first saw her singing "Out Tonight." Ugggh. I was happy to see Jesse Martin, though.
Haven't seen Phantom on film -- will check it out when Harry is fast asleep. Ha ha ha.
I LITERALLY just got home from seeing Les Mis - like 10 minutes ago. And I loved it. I would even see it again in the theater which is an unheard of statement to escape my lips.
ReplyDeleteI knooooowww! Me too, Jill!
DeleteI'm tempted to see it despite a pretty strong aversion to musicals. The only one I like is Sound of Music. Your review is convincing!
ReplyDeleteYes! Totally see it, Elizabeth. The Hugh Jackman eye candy is worth seeing it. And Anne Hathaway will take the wind from your chest.
DeleteMy niece (my favorite person in the whole world to see a movie with!!) and I are going to see this on Sat....taking my husband to see this would be like going fishing with the Arizona Fish and Game....not fun!...not that I fish but still...(saw it on a t-shirt one time but it was about taking your husband shopping...ha!...who would want to do that either is beyond me...does this all make any sense??
ReplyDeleteMakes total sense to me. :)
DeleteHave you seen this sad-off with Anne Hathaway and Samuel L. Jackson? http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/314ad1c060/the-sad-off-with-samuel-l-jackson-and-anne-hathaway
ReplyDeleteIt makes me laugh every time.
Oh my LAWD. Now THAT was hilarious. LOL, slap your knee hilarious. It totally made me miss Deanna because she would have laughed her head off at this one. I have to make sure JoLai looks at this--Anne Hathaway just keeps on surprising me. I hadn't seen that before, NOLA! Thanks so much for sharing!
DeleteHave my tickets to see it tomorrow night at Tara, it isn't IMAX, but I love the crowds that go to Tara and I want to be surrounded by moviegoers for this one.
ReplyDeleteLoooove Tara. I saw Slumdog Millionaire there and agree that the energy of real moviegoers is awesome. I'm in hot pursuit of it in IMAX. So gonna go.
DeleteLOVED IT! I saw the play on Broadway a few years ago, but thought the movie was much more in-depth which made it easy to follow. I definitely plan to see it again!
ReplyDeleteIt was fun seeing it with you, Tounces! Your whole face was lit up!
DeleteY'all I want you to know that my mama was the first person to start applauding at the end. Yes, my mom is one of those people who applauds the end of movies. It was quite fitting this time! :)
No ma'am Sam! Musicals are so not my thing*. There is almost nothing I'd rather see less. My husband on the other hand loves them and knows all the words to all the songs of his favorites. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed it though!
*Exception - saw The Lion King live and it was fabulous!*
Oh come on, Nerd Girl! You've just gotta buckle for this one. Unless, of course, it counts as GFD if your hubby takes you to see this. Think of it as the Lion King. . .but with blood, tragedy, prostitution and redemption. Oh, and singing. Which not that I think of it is totally what the Lion King had if you ix-nay the prostitution part.
DeleteThe hub and I saw it Christmas Eve night after the kids were asleep and grandparents were on duty. Fortunately, he loves the play and has seen it a few times. I love it too. It is not the same as seeing it in a theater but it offers a different perspective and is still GREAT! It seems that actors are able to do with their faces and bodies what theater folks are able to do with their voices. I will see it again in a theater with a real sound system!!
ReplyDeleteBTW, Eponine in the movie is the young women that sang in the 25th anniversary performance you see on PBS.
Yes! That Eponine was amazing. She was on The Today Show a few weeks back and kept talking about how happy she was to be cast. Awesome!
DeleteI'd love to see this movie. I am hearing it may win the Oscar...
ReplyDeleteYOu know? It should.
DeleteSaw iton Christmas! My husband talked me into it by saying the music was more natural since it is sung all the way through and the actors don't break out into song. I hate musicals. But I loved Les Mis!
ReplyDeleteYay!! Me too!
DeleteI am SO GLAD you loved it :) Growing up my mom and aunts played it on their tape players.... over and over... It was the first time I realized I wanted to be a SOPRANO and not an alto because I wanted to be Cosette and not Eponine. I actually debated naming Macy Cosette! LOL I want to make myself believe Greg would like it but I'm not sure. When I first heard they were making a movie I was SO WORRIED they would not be true to the book. I thought it would be both speaking and singing and we even discussed which songs they would leave out. It is the ULTIMATE story of redemption, aside from that which God gives to man through salvation. I could go on and on but I will stop. Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteRach! Yes, yes, and yes! I cried so hard at the end and also when the priest let him off the hook for stealing. Yes, we could totally go on about this.
DeleteMacy looks like too much of a Macy now to be a Cosette. But I doooo love the name. Perhaps Baby #4? Uh hum.
Hush yo mouth.....
DeleteAnd I love you for counting Tripp :)
How could I not include Tripp?
DeleteSounds like this one should be seen at the Fox. Too bad it isn't on their schedule.
ReplyDeleteSo mad. It isn't in IMAX here in Atlanta. What's up with THAT?
DeleteDo you hear the people SING ? Singing the songs of an-gree men.....Man. I am a sucker for some Les Miz. Brings me back to my days in the chorus at school.
ReplyDeleteMaria, fellow Meharrian
Whaaaat? Who'd you play? Come on, Maria. Give us the deets!
DeleteKimberly, fellow Meharrian
I totally cried at the end. I told myself I wouldn't...but I did.
ReplyDeleteAnd Rent (the movie) sucked and it makes me angry to think about. I think because they weren't "kids" they were old heads!
That's it! That's what the problem is! They were TOO OLD to be the poor righteous squatters of RENT. Yes! You made me understand what was so freakin' weird about that version!!!