Friday, June 13, 2014

Team S.J.G.R. Belated Thursday Huddle: Think about it.

Zachary checks for errors

"Tried, you cried, you shouted, you pouted
But I told ya - you should thought about it
Think about it."

~ Special Ed


The huddle for this week is very simple:

Think about the things you eat. Or better yet. Think before you eat it. 

This photo above is of Zachary who was demonstrating something his Grandpa taught him when it comes to eating chicken. He calls it "checking for errors." Ha. Well. This chicken wing that Zack was eating was at a North Carolina barbecue spot. And as far as wings (which are tremendously fattening) go, this particular place was deliciously worth every single calorie and fat gram.


Sometimes--or rather many times--food gets placed in front of us that isn't good enough for the damage it will do. Like, pizza for example. Really, really good pizza? It's actually kind of rare. Decent pizza? Quite common. My take on pizza (unless I'm just famished or being unkind to myself) is that it has to be superior pizza for me to eat it. Or at least eat it without a trace of guilt.

So I guess my point is. . . . do away with the mindless chomping. Make sure that you consider, if only for a few seconds, every single morsel that goes into your mouth. For example, I just ate half of a bagel with some crunchy peanut butter on top. I know that a bagel is high in calories and that the peanut butter is high in fat. I also know that both are great fuel before a run which, in a few moments, I will be doing. I thought about that before doing it. Oh, and did I want a whole bagel? You bet I did.

Would it have been the end of the world to eat a whole bagel? Naaah. But the bagels I have are just aiight and not worth it. Plus I might go out to dinner with friends tonight so would much rather save my calories and fat grams for something legitimately delicious. You get my drift?

I don't believe in oppressive diets. I don't. I think that you should treat yourself to really delicious things sometimes. But I also know for sure that most of the things that add junk to our trunks are "pretty yummy" or "good" but not seriously, legitimately delicious. And I'm just saying--why not push those things away instead? How about you allow yourself really rich and delicious things in moderation and then focus on nourishment the rest of the time?

In other words: Every now and then, allow yourself the chance to LIVE to EAT. But all the rest of the time? Instead just EAT to LIVE. You feel me?

Even if that's hard for you, though, just don't let yourself eat without thinking. Say to yourself, "What's this I'm eating? Am I even hungry? Is this super fattening? And if so, is it worth it?" Then as you get through your meal ask yourself, "Am I satisfied? Can I just stop eating right here and be fine?"

I will throw out a couple of disclaimers, though:

Let's say you are at a restaurant that has a legendary meal. Let yourself enjoy it, man. Don't be such a wet blanket to yourself that you miss out on the experience--because we all know that food can be an experience. One of my biggest regrets was when our good friends Shannon and Michelle, who then lived in New York City, took Harry and me to the incomparable Peter Luger Steakhouse during a visit. Out comes this marbly, piping hot, bone-in t-bone steak for four people. And me? I was on a health kick and didn't eat it. I had one bite and that's it. And that? That was just plain stupid if you ask me. Who goes to PETER LUGER STEAKHOUSE and doesn't have damn steak? Ugggh.

And no, I wasn't a pescatarian or vegetarian or vegan or anything. And I get it if you're one of those things, but I wasn't.  So, as the BHE says, "I tripped" when I didn't allow myself that experience.

But this? This piece of Key Lime Pie that I had while visiting the FLORIDA KEYS last December? Chile, please. I tore it up and licked the plate. Felt zero guilt and knew I wouldn't. Because who in the hell goes to the Florida Keys, eats at a restaurant serving Key Lime Pie and doesn't allow themselves the chance to enjoy it? I mean, besides somebody who doesn't like Key Lime pie? And what carnivore goes to a North Carolina Barbecue dive and doesn't eat the barbecue?

A wet ass blanket, that's who. So don't be that. Don't get so crazy with this that it makes you no fun to ever eat around. But also don't let the pendulum swing too far the other way. See, I guess it all goes back to the list of NOs. You just HAVE to have some things that you make a NO under nearly all circumstances. Do it in a subtle way, too. Once you have a NO list, it's easy to keep it moving.

Oh yeah. And before I forget--here's a sidebar comment: You CAN do things with your friends and celebrate their birthdays, etc. over things other than FOOD. Stop agreeing to only "meet for drinks" or "take so-and-so to dinner for her birthday." I mean, you can, but you don't HAVE to. Suggest a hike like JoLai and some friends did for someone's birthday. Meet up at Stone Mountain for a run or even a walk. Challenge your friends to come up with non-food socializing to counter every food-related one.

Just a thought.

socializing over a MEAL with my friend JJM

Someone commented on this blog that their brother said, "I'm allergic to that. If I eat it I break out in fat all over." Bwwaaah ha ha ha. I think about that and chuckle sometimes. Especially when reheating a rubbery piece of day old pizza from Papa John's. I say, "Girl, you are SO allergic to this. Do you wish to break out in fat?" Ha.

Lastly this:

Counter your food allowances with food subtractions. Not extra laps. I mean that. We LOSE WEIGHT IN THE KITCHEN. We GET FIT IN THE GYM. Stop drinking mojitos and swearing that you'll run two extra miles on the treadmill. Stop eating chips and guac and saying you'll hit an extra cross fit class. Cut. It. Out. Push the plate back. Kind of like that whole versus half of a bagel. Pay now or pay later--plate and fork wise.

Oh, but if it's worth it? I mean, legit and deliciously worth it? Eat it, man. And then go back like Zack and check your work for errors. I'm just sayin'.

That's all I got.

Happy Belated Huddle.

Now playing on my mental iPod. . . . .


  1. I am about to eat pizza. Here's what it has on it: Spinach, tomatoes, squash, artichoke hearts, portobello mushrooms, onion, garlic, green pepper and black olives.
    Yeah. I think this one will be worth it.

  2. Just left the funeral of a family friend, she had a heart attack Monday. Two weeks ago, attended the funeral of an older cousin who died from pneumonia contracted after open heart surgery. Oldest bro in law had a heart attack two months ago, quadruple bypass saved him. Next to oldest brother had a stint put in because artery was 95% blocked. Oldest brother had triple bypass this past Tuesday. Old high school friend at funeral today says she's had two open heart surgeries...she's younger than me (I'm 45). And of course, I lost my friend on Nov. 12 2012. I could go on and on...

    I am mad as hell at heart disease. Mad..mad...!!!!!


  3. Kim, I respect your efforts to eat healthy, and I know you're a smart doctor, a great wife, mom, sister, and daughter, and that you mean well. However the problem isn't dietary fat - it's the carbohydrates. A low-fat diet causes hypertension, obesity, diabetes AND heart disease. Too many carbs = too much insulin. Insulin is very destructive to our bodies. Have you read the work of Dr. Bernstein? He's a Type 1 diabetic who is in his 80's. Gary Taubes gets it right in "Good Calories, Bad Calories." Dr. Atkins had it right: we need to eat a diet low in carbohydrates. We need to reign in the insulin. Saturated fat isn't bad or unhealthy for us. Yes, Key Lime Pie is delicious, but I couldn't eat it. I've had reactive hyperglycemia since I was a child, and now at age 55, with hypertension & obesity, if I ate that pie, my heart would pound from the excess insulin my pancreas would release. Insulin triggers all kinds of changes in the body, exactly like adrenalin. So, please read up on current biochemistry, and drop the AHA low-fat diet madness. Do your family, your patients, and yourself a favor: re-educate yourself. I did. I had to re-learn everything I was taught about nutrition in my BSN program at The Ohio State University College of Nursing, Class of 1981. I made the switch to Atkins in 1999. My triglycerides went from 256 to 79 in six weeks. I lost 32 pounds in 10 months. Life got really busy with my 2 children, a full-time husband, and a full-time job, and I fell off that wagon, and I regained 20 pounds. As of Sunday, I'm back on the low carb lifestyle. My head already feels clearer. I know it works.

    1. I happened to be awake and caught this comment. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your perspective. While I appreciate your passionate admonishment, with all due respect, I'm quite aware of all that you speak about. Though I'm sure it was just strong feelings, it's worth mentioning that a lot of it came across as insulting and presumptive. I have actually addressed carbohydrate issues here as well. I don't agree with your reference to what I discuss here as "AHA low-fat madness." I encourage smart, intentional and sustainable eating suggestions. I don't think that there's only one way and try hard to never sound like I do. This process is complicated and, though I'm quite sound on my knowledge of biochemistry, I think it's about far more than just that.

      Just like you, I pay attention, read, and have several years of clinical and life experience. I find these kinds of positions polarizing so don't take them up. I do think carbs and all refined sugars should be eaten in moderation and limited. I also believe that highly restrictive diets feel oppressive so usually aren't maintained.

      Thanks for reading and best wishes in your personal journey. This blog always honors that the journey is personal--and never one size fits all regardless of what science says.

  4. Desk Jockey, I recently lowered my triglycerides from 318 to 176 and lost 20 lbs by watching my saturated fats, and that worked for me.

    I have diabetes in my family, so I think I will check out your suggestion of reading "Good calories, bad calories".

    I'm not so much a medical person but I can tell ya, reading these real-life posts from those educated in the medical field such as Dr. Kim, yourself, and testimonies from others, have all been the best medical advice I've ever gotten!



"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan

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