Friday, July 17, 2015

Randomida, Part 1.

First, this really cool photo taken by one of my former students turned former residents who is now engaged to be married to another one of my former students turned former residents. She was on her patio during a going away gathering and snapped this shot of Grady. Which I promptly stole from Facebook and then altered with this cool app that makes photos look like paintings.

Isn't this picture RAD? I think so.


I have a summer cold. My head feels like it was pumped up with a bicycle pump and my nostrils stay somewhere between completely swollen shut or annoyingly leaky. My skin has that clammy-ish feeling like you sort of have a fever but the kind that never seems to be one when you check.


So mostly, I'm sick enough to feel crappy but too well to call off of work. Which really stinks because everyone knows that the treatment of choice for this kind of illness is curling up on your couch under your favorite comforter. But that wasn't an option since I have so much to do.

I truly do.

I've missed you for the last few weeks. And no, I'm not about to launch into a bunch of sappy excuses about blogger hiatuses. Instead, I'll just say that I miss you. Because I do.

I just started wards today. Beyond my swimmy-headed yuck it was a good day. I doused myself in hand sanitizer and used a droplet mask when I could. My team so far is awesome so that's really good.

I loved all the patients I saw today. They were all so dear and they made it hard for me to choose an F.P. I did settle on one though. This amazing chap that I fell in love with the moment he laughed. So very perfect, that laugh.


Oh, yes. I meant to tell you about this:

This sweet girl hung out with me Tuesday as a "medical student for the day." It was a part of a cool auction prize that I'd offered up last spring for a fundraiser. Who'd of thunk it that someone would actually bite?


We had a wonderful time. Lauren, my trusty medical student, was fantastic. She asked excellent questions, was super engaged, and truly took the experience seriously. It was so much fun.

We talked all about the physical examination and why we do what we do. I explained blood pressure measurements and otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes, too. She sat in on small groups and got a feel for the lecture hall, too. We even met with Dr. Schwartz, the Dean of Admissions. She handled it all with aplomb and it was good.

Yeah. So that was cool. You can't even tell how headcold-yucky I was feeling from this photo, can you? (I bet my mom will squint at it and suggest that I look "puny.")


More tomorrow. I think. Either way, I need to go to bed. I do have stuff to talk about though. So come back, okay? See you then.

Happy Thursday.


  1. Welcome back. You have been missed.

  2. Yes! I've missed you and hope that you're feeling better. You look as chipper as ever, but I don't know you like your mama. My mother says, "you look peak'ed" (two syllables) when you're feeling ill. And that young girl is so luck to have spent time with you as guide and teacher --


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan

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